Printek Emulation
Automatic Modes ESC A n
Selects automatic modes according to the following table.
0 Automatic modes off
1 Automatic carriage return
2 Automatic line feed
3 Both (1 and 2)
Automatic carriage return mode causes the printer to automatically perform a carriage return (CR) for
each line feed (LF), vertical tab (VT), or form feed (FF) that it receives. Overrides the “Auto CR”
value in the interface setup menu.
Automatic line feed mode causes the printer to automatically perform a line feed (LF) for each carriage
return (CR) it receives. Overrides the “Auto LF:” value in the interface setup menu.
Example: The following escape sequence will select automatic carriage return mode.
Escape Sequence: ESC A 1
Hexadecimal: 1B 41 01
Auto Cut ESC B n
Selects Auto Cut On for n=1, or Auto Cut Off for n=0 for the currently selected form if the optional
Printek FormsCutter is installed. When Auto Cut is turned on, the FormsCutter will automatically cut
off each form as it is ejected from the printer.
Example: The following escape sequence will select Auto Cut = On.
Escape Sequence: ESC B 1
Hexadecimal: 1B 42 31
Cut Form ESC C
Ejects the current form and cuts it off if the optional Printek FormsCutter is installed.
Escape Sequence: ESC C
Hexadecimal: 1B 43
Reset ESC @
Deletes all data on the current line and initializes the printer to the default settings for the current form.
Restores the default horizontal tab stops. Default tab stops are set at every eighth column, i.e. column
8, 16, 24, 32, 40, etc.
Resets top of form to the current position, so it is wise to be at top of form before performing this reset.
Issuing a form feed will guarantee this.
See the chapter on Printer Reset Conditions for more information.
Escape Sequence: ESC @
Hexadecimal: 1B 40