Epson FX Emulation
Set MSB to 0 ESC =
Sets the MSB (most significant bit) of all following data to zero. Some computers always set the MSB
to one, causing all characters to print in italic mode. This escape sequence can overcome the problem.
The problem can also be avoided by setting “Data Bits” to “7” in the interface setup menu.
Escape Sequence: ESC =
Hexadecimal: 1B 3D
Set MSB to 1 ESC >
Sets the MSB (most significant bit) of all following data to one. This escape sequence allows the
eighth bit to be turned on, even if the computer and printer are connected via a 7-bit I/O interface. The
eighth bit may be useful for 8-pin graphics data, or for accessing italic characters.
Escape Sequence: ESC >
Hexadecimal: 1B 3E
Cancel MSB Control ESC #
Cancels the MSB (most significant bit) control set by ESC = or ESC >. This causes the eighth data bit
sent from the host computer to be accepted as is.
Escape Sequence: ESC #
Hexadecimal: 1B 23
Deselect Printer DC3
(or) XOFF
Deselects the printer. Use of this command is discouraged, because the printer will remain offline until
an operator presses the ONLINE button on the control panel.
Control code: DC3
Hexadecimal: 13
Character Size
The FormsMaster 8000 series printers are capable of supporting 10, 12, 13.3, 15, 16.7, 17.14, and 20
cpi, but most emulations support only a subset of these. Epson emulation supports 10, 12, 15, 17.14,
and 20 cpi via software, but does not support 13.3 or 16.7 cpi. Every emulation supports 10 cpi, and
we consider this to be the default character pitch. When you use the control panel to change the
“Characters/Inch” value in the forms menu, you are actually changing the default character pitch.
When the printer is turned on (or reset), it will use this character pitch. You can even use a pitch that is
not supported by your emulation, such as 13.3 cpi with Epson emulation. You can override this pitch
selection via software, by sending an escape sequence. This selects a user specified non-default pitch.
For example, in Epson emulation, sending ESC M will select 12 cpi. Sending ESC P will re-select 10
cpi, and thus re-select the default character pitch that was selected in the form setup.
Via software escape sequences, you can select any character pitch supported by the emulation you are
using. All will print as expected, unless you select 10 cpi -- because 10 cpi really selects the default
character pitch from setup. If you really want 10 cpi, then you must set “Characters/Inch” to “10” in
the forms menu. Likewise, if you want to use the default pitch from setup, you must not override it.
Either send no character pitch sequences to the printer, or make sure you re-select 10 cpi via software.