IBM Proprinter Emulation
Set Left and Right Margin ESC X n1 n2
Sets the left margin to column n1 and the right margin to column n2 at the current character spacing.
0≥n1≥255, 0≥n2≥255. If character spacing is changed after setting the margins, the position of the
margins will not change.
The left margin is inclusive, but the right margin is exclusive. For example, a left margin at column 11
still allows a character to be printed in column 11. A right margin at column 76 allows a character to
be printed in column 75, but not in column 76.
The leftmost column is column one. If n1 or n2 is zero, the corresponding margin is not changed. The
left margin must be left of the right margin and ≥13.4 inches. The right margin must be right of the left
margin and ≥13.6 inches. Invalid margins will be ignored. Overrides the “Left Margin” and “Right
Margin” values in the forms menu.
Example: The following escape sequence will set a one inch left margin, and will set a right margin
7.5 inches from the left edge of the form, if character spacing is currently 10 cpi. For a standard 8.5
inch wide form, this would result in a one inch right margin.
Escape Sequence: ESC X 11 76
Hexadecimal: 1B 58 0B 4C
Vertical Margins
Printing is allowed only within the top and bottom margins. Exceeding the bottom margin will set the
current line to the top margin of the next form.
Set Perforation Skip ESC N n
Sets the perforation skip distance to n lines at the current line spacing. 1≥n≥255. If line spacing is
changed after setting the skip distance, the skip distance will not be changed.
The skip distance is split between the top and bottom margins, so the perforation will be centered in
the resulting white space. The specified skip distance must be less than the form length, or the
command will be ignored. Perforation skip is canceled by ESC O, ESC C n or ESC C NUL n.
Overrides the “Top Margin” and “Bottom Margin” values in the forms menu.
Example: The following escape sequence will set a two inch perforation skip distance, if the current
line spacing is 6 lpi. This will result in a one inch top and bottom margin.
Escape Sequence: ESC N 12
Hexadecimal: 1B 4E 0C
Cancel Perforation Skip ESC O
Cancels perforation skip. This is equivalent to having no top and bottom margin. Overrides the “Top
Margin” and “Bottom Margin” values in the forms menu.
Escape Sequence: ESC O
Hexadecimal: 1B 4F