DEC LA120 Emulation
Form Feed FF
Causes the current line to be printed, and then advances the paper to the top of the next form. If a top
margin is set, printing will continue at the top margin. Setting “Host FF at TOF” to “No” in the
interface setup menu allows a form feed to be ignored if the paper is already at top of form. If “Auto
CR” is set to “On” in the interface setup menu, a carriage return will also be performed.
Control code: FF
Hexadecimal: 0C
Horizontal Tabs
Horizontal tab stops are associated with columns, not absolute physical positions. Changing character
spacing will change the physical position of the tab stops. Default tab stops are set at every eighth
column, i.e. column 9, 17, 25, 33, 41, etc. If different tab stops are to be set, the default tab stops
should first be cleared.
Horizontal Tab HT
Advances to the next horizontal tab stop. If no tab stop exists between the active column and the right
margin, the HT will be ignored. Default tab stops are set at every eighth column, i.e. column 9, 17, 25,
33, 41, etc. Different tab stops may be set with ESC H, ESC 1, or ESC [ n1 ; n2 ; ... nx u.
Control code: HT
Hexadecimal: 09
Set Horizontal Tab Stop HTS
(or) ESC H
(or) ESC 1
Sets a horizontal tab stop at the current print position. The tab stop is associated with the active
column, not an absolute physical position. Changing character spacing will change the physical
position of the tab stop.
Default tab stops are set at every eighth column, i.e. column 9, 17, 25, 33, 41, etc. The tab stop set by
this escape sequence will be added to previously set tab stops, including the default tab stops. If this is
not desired, the old tab stops should first be cleared.
Control code: HTS
Hexadecimal: 88
Escape Sequence: ESC H
Hexadecimal: 1B 48
Escape Sequence: ESC 1
Hexadecimal: 1B 31
Set Horizontal Tab Stops ESC [ n1 ; n2 ; ... nx u
Sets new horizontal tab stops at column n1, n2, n3, etc. 1≥n≥255. The tab stops are associated with
columns, not absolute physical positions. Changing character spacing will change the physical
position of the tab stops. The leftmost column is column one.