Psion Teklogix 7530 G2 Hand-Held Computer User Manual 117
Chapter 5: Configuration
The Devices Tab
Note: The CH column shows the RFCOMM channel of the service if the
service is RFCOMM-based. This information is not generally needed
except for debugging purposes.
To add a service to the Outgoing port, an active service must first be deactivated.
Then you can choose the ‘Outgoing’ option from the Activation menu (highlight a
service, right-click or press the [SPACE] bar to display the Activation menu).
The Authentication and Encryption options can be changed only before activation.
To change these after activation, deactivate the service first, then change the options.
Once a service is activated, all the information regarding the service, including the
RFCOMM channel number, is saved in the registry. (Some remote devices may
change their RFCOMM channel numbers when they reboot, so your saved setting
may not work when the remote device is rebooted. In that case, you must deactivate
the service and reactivate it to detect the current RFCOMM channel.)
PINs can be set for each device by pressing the Set PIN button in the Devices tab, or
you can skip this step and try to connect to the device first.
Important: The remote device must have authentication enabled, otherwise
the PIN authentication will fail.
• Highlight a device, click on the Set Pin button, and type the PIN.
You will receive a message, either that the PIN has been successfully validated or
that it has been rejected.
If the PIN has been validated, an asterisk (*) appears in the PIN column in the
Devices list box, indicating that this device has a PIN set. Once a PIN is entered, it is
saved in the registry.
To remove the PIN:
• Choose Set PIN, and press [ENTER].
If the 7530 G2 attempts to connect to a remote device that has Authentication
enabled and does not have a required PIN set, an Authentication Request dialog
box appears.
• Enter the PIN, and tap on OK to connect the devices.