Psion Teklogix 7530 G2 Hand-Held Computer User Manual 51
Chapter 3: Getting To Know Your 7530 G2
Operating Internal PDF Laser Scanners
Double-clicking the trigger will override the aiming delay and
initiate an immediate scan. Note that the aiming dot is standard
on long-range and high visibility internal scanners.
• Aim at the bar code and press the scan key or the trigger. A scan beam and a
warning indicator appear until a successful decode is achieved or six
seconds have elapsed.
3.6.5 Operating Internal PDF Laser Scanners
This scanner decodes PDF417 two-dimensional bar codes.
• Turn the hand-held on. Wait until the unit has booted up completely.
• Aim at the bar code and press the scan key or the trigger. The beam expands
into a rectangle covering the bar code to properly scan it. The scan beam
and a warning indicator are visible until a successful decode is achieved or
three seconds have elapsed.
3.6.6 Operating Internal Two Dimensional (2D) Imager Scanners
An imager scanner takes a snap shot of a single bar code or multiple bar codes (at
one time). It can find a bar code regardless of its orientation – that is, even a bar
code printed at a 45 degree angle to the hand-held will be decoded successfully.
Note: When scanning multiple bar codes, ensure that all of the desired bar
codes are within the field of view of the scanner. It is possible that even
when all bar codes are within the field of view, not all of them will be
decoded. Only successfully decoded bar codes are passed to the applica-
tion program. The application program then issues a warning, asking that
you scan the missing bar codes.
When scanning a single bar code, ensure that only the desired bar code is
within the field of view of the scanner.
Because imager scanners generally have a shorter depth of field than laser scanners,
some practise may be required to find the optimal distance from the types of bar
codes being scanned. Although the imager includes illumination LEDs, ambient
light will help the imager decode the bar codes, especially if the bar code is far from
the hand-held.
Important: Keep in mind that the imager scanner is a camera, and the LED
illumination is a flash. Glare can be an issue on reflective media
such as plastic coated bar codes, just as glare is an issue for pho-