
Chapter 7: Specifications
Internal Scanner Port
240 Psion Teklogix 7530 G2 Hand-Held Computer User Manual
7.3 Internal Scanner Port
1D Imager: EV15
2D Imager: SX5303
1D Lasers: SE 1200HP 1D non-decoded, standard range
SE 1200LR 1D non-decoded, long range
SE 1200ALR 1D non-decoded, advanced
long range
SE1224 1D decoded with fuzzy logic processing
SE 1524ER decoded with fuzzy logic processing,
extended range
2D Laser: SE 2223 PDF decoded raster
7.4 RFID Applications
- RD7950 Integrated UHF RFID Reader (future release)
- Psion Teklogix RFID File System
- Multi-protocol support
7.5 External Scanners
Supported Types Decoded and Non-Decoded 5V only.
Interface Via tether port.
7.6 Internal Scanner Specifications
This section lists specifications for the following internal scanners:
SE 1200 High Performance and Long Range (page 241).
SE 1200 Advanced Long Range and SE 2223PDF (page 241).
SE 1224 High Performance (page 243).
SE 1524 Extended Range (page 244).
EV15 (page 245).
SX5303 2D Imager Scanner (page 247).