IV Psion Teklogix 7530 G2 Hand-Held Computer User Manual
Enable CC-C 172
Enable Cellular Protocol 138
Enable Plessy 183
Enable Power Saving 141
Enable RSS Expanded 172, 186
Enable RSS Limited 172, 186
Enable RSS-14 171, 186
Enable SNMP 206
Enable TLC-39 172
Encryption, Bluetooth Controls 117
Error Accept 147
ESC Key 35
EV15 Intermec 245
EV15 1D imager scanner specs 245
Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP)
Fast Converge (Imager) 190
7530 7
Field Size 148
size 148
FNC1 Conversion 176
Frequency Table (Radio tab) 143
Full ASCII 162
Full Ascii 147, 174
Function Keys 36
37-key keyboard 36
63-key keyboard 36
Good Scan Beep 197
GPRS (bluetooth) 121
GTIN Compliant 176, 180
handstrap, installing 15
IATA 2 of 5 156
Idle Poll Limit 141
IEEE radio, configuring 17
EV15 imager scanner specs 245
SX5303 2D imager specs 247
imager (2D), operating 51
Imager parameters 187
Include Check 150, 151, 153, 155, 156
Include Check (Discrete 2 of 5
symbology) 155
Include Check (Interleaved 2 of 5
symbology) 154
Include Chk 147, 152, 154
Include Country 150
Include Number Sys 152, 153
Include Sym (Code 128) 149
battery gauge 46
docking devices 47
LED functions 43
modifier keys 45
narrow band radio signal quality 46
onscreen 45
scanner message 51, 52
security level 47
task bar 62
tethered device 47
802.11radio signal quality 46
Info Tab (Narrow Band radio) 132
Infrastructure network 20
bar code reader 215
Input (translate) 198
Input Panel (control panel) 84
handstrap 15
pistol grip 16
Intensity (7035 backlighting) 89, 92
Interleaved 2 of 5 154, 168, 182, 192
Intermec EV15 specs 245
Internal PDF scanner, operating 51
Internal scanner (1D), operating 50
Internet Explorer 68
IP address, assigning 23
ISBN Conversion 177
ISBT Concat Any Pair 176
ISBT Concat Transmit 176
ISBT 128 163, 176
ISM band, Bluetooth radio 114
ITF Check (Discrete 2 of 5 symbology)
ITF Check (IATA 2 of 5 symbology) 156
ITF Check (I 2 of 5 symbology) 154
key repeat 90, 92
one shot mode 93