The TOT feature provides a safety switch which limits transmission to a pre-programmed
value. This will promote battery conservation by not allowing you to make excessively
long transmissions, and in the event of a stuck PTT switch (perhaps if the radio or a
Speaker/Mic is wedged between car seats) it can prevent interference to other users as
well as battery depletion. As configured at the factory the TOT feature is set to OFF, and
here is the procedure for activating it:
1. Press and hold the key for one second to enter the Set Mode.
2. Rotate the DIAL knob to select Set Mode Item
102: TOT102: TOT
102: TOT102: TOT
102: TOT.
3. Press the key briefly to enable adjustment of this Set
Mode Item.
4. Rotate the DIAL knob to set the Time-Out Timer to the de-
sired “Maximum TX” time. The available selections are 0.5
- 10.0 minutes (0.5 minute/step).
5. When you have completed your selection, press the PTT
switch to save the new setting and exit to normal operation.
To disable the Time-Out Timer, just repeat the above procedure, rotating the DIAL knob to
select “
OFF” in step 4 above.
1) When your transmission time is within 10 seconds of the Time-Out Timer
expiration, an Alert bell will provide an audible warning from the speaker.
2) Since brief transmissions are the mark of a good operator, try setting up
your radio’s TOT feature for a maximum transmission time of 1 minute. This will sig-
nificantly improve battery life, too!