FreeFlow Process Manager Operator and Administrator Guide
Workflow Builder
To configure Imposition settings - General tab
The General tab allows you to select a job type and establish
settings—for example, orientation, stock, margins, and various
signature options.
1. Double-click the Imposition step in a workflow.
• If Preps is detected on the computer, the initial Imposition
Settings dialog displays. Select [Specify imposition
settings], and then select [OK] to close the window and
display the Imposition Settings dialog.
• If Preps is not detected on the computer, the standard
Imposition Settings dialog displays.
2. In the Imposition Settings dialog, select the General tab.
3. Select a job type from the drop box.
• For more information about job types, see About Job
types, Maximum N-Up considerations, and Maximum N-
Up limitations.
4. The Preview pane allows you to dynamically view the
selected settings. Mark or deselect the [Preview] check box to
open or close the Preview pane. For more information about
the Preview option, see
Previewing job level edits.
5. For Custom N-up jobs, in the Rows and Columns area, select
or type the number of rows or columns, up to a maximum of
6. In the Pages on sheet side area, select from the following:
•[Repeated] to fill a multi-up sheet side with copies of a
single page.
•[Sequential] to place a single page in each cell of the
multi-page up.
•[Cut and Stack] to arrange the order that the images are
printed on the sheets so the printed sheets can be cut and
easily stacked into one copy of the final document.
•[Alternating] to place the pages sequentially, but
alternating the front side and the back side of a page.
7. In the Orientation area, select from of the following:
•[Portrait] to orient vertically.
•[Landscape] to orient horizontally.