FreeFlow Process Manager Operator and Administrator Guide
Workflow Builder
AIE and DocuSP
If you include the AIE process in a FreeFlow Process Manager
workflow and submit the job to a DocuSP 5.1 or a Xerox FreeFlow
Print Server 6.0, ensure that you submit it to a queue for which
AIE is not enabled.
If you have the option of performing the AIE processing in either
FreeFlow Process Manager or in the current DocuSP 5.1 or Xerox
FreeFlow Print Server 6.0, for reasons of flexibility and
performance, it is recommended that you do so in FreeFlow
Process Manager, rather than in DocuSP 5.1 or Xerox FreeFlow
Print Server 6.0.
Limitations for AIE
• AIE can be applied only to raster image files such as TIFFs,
JPEGs, and BMPs. It also supports those files if they are
embedded in PDFs.
• The image quality improvement for BMPs may be minimal.
• AIE red eye reduction applies only to photographs of humans,
and not to photographs of animals.
• The Exif data that is found in some JPEG files is not currently
supported by AIE and will result in the loss of resolution