FreeFlow Process Manager Operator and Administrator Guide
Workflow Builder
Adding or editing a CLI profile
A combined total of 10 folder profiles and CLI profiles can be
configured for each external process. The CLI script full path,
working directory, and output location (if used) must reside on the
same remote machine or on the same local machine.
To add or edit a CLI profile
Refer to Adding or editing an external process to add an external
process, and then set up a CLI profile as follows:
1. In the CLI Profile Setup dialog, enter or change the name for
the profile.
NOTE: Changing a name or a folder affects existing
2. To select a Script full path, select [Browse].
3. In the Open dialog, locate the script, and select [Open].
4. (Optional) In the parameters text box, enter additional script
parameters. For more information on configuring parameters
refer to
Configuring parameters.
NOTE: You may add parameters before, after, or between the
default parameters, but you should not delete the defaults. If a
default is deleted, an error message displays when you click
5. To select a working directory location or an output location, do
the following:
NOTE: You will be asked for a user name and password when a
remote location is selected during setup.
a. Select [Browse].
b. In the Browse For Folder dialog, do one of the following:
– Select the desired folder, and then select [OK].
–Select [Make New Folder], name the folder, and select