
Xerox FreeFlow Process Manager Administrator and Operator Guide
Configuring barcode readable text,
Color Manage settings
Ensuring Color Manage workflow
consistency between the
server and a remote client
, 2-
Convert settings, 2-38
Crop settings, 2-102
External process settings, 2-136
Imposition settings, 2-86
About Job types, 2-96
Job Level Edit settings
Adding watermarks, 2-64
Setting up text watermarks, 2-65
Notify settings, 2-107
E-mail attachments, 2-107
Optimize settings, 2-45
Page numbering, 2-72
Preflight settings, 2-60
Preps settings, 2-100
Pressmarks settings, 2-103
Print settings, 2-111
Inserting separator pages, 2-113
Rotate pages settings, 2-84
Save settings, 2-115
Configuring JDF Export settings, 2-119
Creating conditional branches, 2-123
Adding and configuring branch
, 2-126
Conditions to add, 2-128
Deleting conditional branches, 2-134
Editing conditional branches, 2-133
Guidelines for successful conditional
, 2-124
Linking conditional branches, 2-135
Managing conditional branches, 2-131
Legacy jworkflows
Upgrading Job Level Edit nodes, 2-63
Workflow Submission Client
About submitting RDOs, 3-18
Identifying the parts of an RDO, 3-18
RDO limitations, 3-19
About Workflow Submission Client, 3-1
Accessing Workflow Builder from Workflow
Submission Client
, 3-20
Job submission, 3-11
Logging in to Workflow Submission Client, 3-
Main window components, 3-3
Menus, 3-8
Remote Workflow Submission Client, 3-20
Submitting a file with saved job ticket
information for reprinting
, 3-17
Submitting a job, 3-13
Submitting QuarkXPress files, 3-17
Submitting RDOs, 3-19
Submit an RDO and produce a PDF, 3-
Submit an RDO and produce an RDO
, 3-19
Submitting VI Container jobs, 3-16
Submitting Zip files, 3-16
Workflow selection methods, 3-12
Zoom In Zoom Out of Workflow View, 2-6