Tab Down Tab Up Enter Back Read On/Off
Selecting the Tolerance Type and Editing Values
After selecting a reference number and measuring a reference, you can select a tolerance
type and edit tolerance values. If a tolerance is not going to be used, select the NONE
option. The tolerance type and values cannot be changed if the reference number is
empty or if the reference was downloaded.
The attributes that are available for adjustment depend on the tolerance type selected.
• ∆E*a*b*, ∆Ec6175, ∆Ep6175 and ∆Ee6175 tolerance types allows tolerance
adjustment for each angle.
• ∆FI tolerance type allows high/low tolerance adjustment for the flop index.
• ∆L*a*b* and ∆L*C*h tolerance types allows high/low tolerance adjustment for each
• ∆Ecmc tolerance type allows a global adjustment for “l” (lightness factor) and “c”
(chromaticity factor). The “cf” (commercial factor) can be adjusted for each angle).
1. Use the Tab Up or Tab Down to highlight Tolerance:.
2. Press Enter to page through the tolerance types: None, ∆L*a*b*, ∆L*C*H*, ∆FI,
∆E*a*b*, ∆Ecmc, ∆Ec6175, ∆Ep6175 and ∆Ee6175.
Reference: 1
Tolerance: ∆L
Edit Tolerances
31.43 24.57 262.34
30.50 24.45 262.14
32.41 26.03 262.19
3. After selecting the tolerance type, use Tab Down to highlight Edit Tolerances.
Reference: 1
Tolerance: ∆L
Edit Tolerances
31.43 24.57 262.34
30.50 24.45 262.14
32.41 26.03 262.19
4. Press Enter to access the tolerance editing screen.
Reference: 1
Tolerance: ∆L
Set 15° High
+1.00 +2.00 +1.00
<< >>
Selecting an Angle and High/Low Tolerance for Editing
The angles and high/low tolerances available for editing depends on the tolerance type
selected. All angles and high/low tolerances for each tolerance type are selected using the
same method.
1. Press Tab Up or Tab Down to move the highlight to the left double arrow (<<) or
the right double arrow (>>).
2. Press Enter to page through the available angle and/or high/low tolerance screens.
Reference: 1
Tolerance: ∆L
Set 15° High
+1.00 +2.00 +1.00
<< >>
3. After selecting an angle tolerance, advance to Editing an Attribute Value.
Reference: 1
Tolerance: ∆L*a*b*
Set 15° Low
-1.00 -2.00 -1.00
<< >>
Pages backward
through the angles
Pages forward
through the angles