Monitoring System Activity and Performance 152-402-145-02, Issue 2
20 June 16, 2000 H2TU-R-402
Figure 17. H2TU-C DS1 Alarm History Screen
Table 7. H2TU-R DS1 Alarm Descriptions
Screen Alarm Front-Panel Alarm Description
RLOS RLOS Remote Loss of Signal— Loss of the H2TU-R DS1 input signal.
RAIS RAIS Remote Alarm Indication Signal—Indicates an AIS (all ones) pattern is being received at
the H2TU-R DS1 input port. By default AIS-CI
is sent towards the network.
(a) AIS-CI is a modified AIS alarm pattern. Equipment not suited to detect AIS-CI still detects this signal as an AIS. AIS-CI is sent
toward the network indicating that an LOS (RLOS) or AIS (RAIS) has been received from the CPE.
RAI RRAI Remote RAI - Remote Alarm Indication at the H2TU-R—Indicates an RAI alarm (yellow)
from the CPE with errors from the line unit or network.
TX RAI-CI TRCI Transmit RAI-CI - Remote Alarm Indication at the H2TU-R—Upon reception of an RAI
(yellow alarm) from the CPE, the H2TU-R sends a RAI-CI towards the network if the
network signal received at the H2TU-R is clear. If the network signal is impaired (LOS, AIS
or LOF), then the RAI is passed on to the network unaltered. This is applicable to SF or
ESF framing. In an all SF environment, RACI must be enabled to convert SF RAI to SF
PRM-NE PRMN Performance Report Monitoring - Near End—The count of the PRM-NE register at the
H2TU-R exceeds the 10
BER threshold at 648 events since 12:00:00 AM.
PRM-FE PRMF Performance Report Monitoring - Far End—The count of the PRM-FE register at the
H2TU-R exceeds the 10
BER threshold at 648 events since 12:00:00 AM.
DBER DBER Bit Error Rate—The DS1 BER has exceeded the built-in 24-hour threshold limits of
approximately 10
Monitor Performance Event Log Config Inventory Rlogon Help
H2TU-C DS-1 Alarm History
Alarm First Last Status Count
LLOS 04/10/00 00:00 04/15/00 00:45 ALARM 12
DBER 04/10/00 00:37 04/10/00 00:45 OK 7
Press: C(l)ear Alarm History
Press <Space> to cycle through Interface : H2TU-C DS-1
choices and <Enter> to view Statistics : Alarm History
ID: xxxx--xxxx--xxxx--xxxx 04/15/00 12:30:01 H2TU-C System: Alarm