
5 Chapter 1
1.2 Applications
• Event counting
• One shot output
• Programmable frequency output
• Frequency measurement
• Pulse width measurement
• PWM output
• Periodic interrupt generation
• Time-delay generation
1.3 Installation Guide
Before you install your PCM-3780 card, please make sure you have the
following necessary components:
• PCM-3780 DA&C card
• PCM-3780 User Manual
Driver software Advantech DLL drivers (included in the companion
Wiring cable: PCL-10120 & PCL-10150
Wiring board: ADAM-3920 (Option)
ADAM-3950 (Option)
Computer Personal computer or workstation with a PC/104 slot (run-
ning Windows 2000/XP)
Some other optional components are also available for enhanced opera-
Application software ActiveDAQ, GeniDAQ or other third-party soft-
ware packages
After you get the necessary components and maybe some of the accesso-
ries for enhanced operation of your Multifunction card, you can then
begin the Installation procedures. Figure 1-1 on the next page provides a
concise flow chart to give users a broad picture of the software and hard-
ware installation procedures: