Inter Positive fullap geometries
Geometry files named ‘ipfullap*.cfg‘ are used as
fullap geometries for intermed positive recording. For
each supported pitch there must be one (and not more
than one) ip fullap geometry file. ALICE is installed with
ip fullap geometries for all supported pitches.
Format: 2Kipfullap
xSize: 2048
ySize: 1583
xOffset: 0
yOffset: 0
xOrigin: 1797
yOrigin: 2352
pitch: 1200.0
pullDown: 18960
Loader LUTs for Color Management
(see also chapter 5)
Loader LUTs are used to convert images to cineon code
values prior to recording. Since the cineon conversion is
built in the ICC profiles used for the Color Management,
Color Management will fail if incorrect loader LUTs are
selected. Therefore, ALICE automatically selects the
appropriate loader LUT if Color Management is turned
on. They are distinguished from other loader LUTs by
starting their name with CMS. If there is more than one
CMS LUT for a bit depth, the user can choose between
these LUTs, but will be prevented from selecting other
LUTs. ALICE is installed with CMS loader LUTs for each
bit depth, named cms08.lut, cms10.lut, cms12.lut and
Note: Do not change the loader LUT in the ALGUI, if
Color Management is selected.