The installation of satellite dishes,
terrestrial antennas and cables is not
described in this Guide as we expect
this to be done by an installer.
The CA Module is the module, you
can insert in one of the slots on your
television, for information on the
placement of these slots, refer to
your televisions own Guide. The
module acts as ‘card reader’ for your
Smart Card which decode the
encoded signals sent out by the
programme provider.
The DVB–T/S module is equipped
with a CONAX CA module and you
can insert your chosen Smart Card in
this module directly.
LNB and antenna
The illustrations to the right show how to
connect your SAT antenna and the terrestrial
antenna to your television.
Only uncoded digital satellite programs, also
known as ‘free-to-air’ programs, are available
without Smart Cards or CA Modules.
Connect your LNB and terrestrial antenna to the
available aerial sockets on your television.