Haier HLC19K1 TV DVD Combo User Manual

When a disc containing standard JPEG picture files is inserted into the player, a
navigation menuwill be displayed automatically. Use theUP and DOWN cursor
buttons to select a file then press PLAY/PAUSE. The slide show will commence.
Press PREV or NEXT to move between pictures. Press pause to stop on the
current picture. Press PLAY/PAUSE to resume normal playing.
A JPEGdisc contains JPEG (.jpg)format picture information that can bedecoded
by a micro-computer software and displayed through the video output interface or on
the television screen.
This function has many applications. For example one can save files from a scanner
or digital camera in the JPEG format, record these on a CD-Rdisc and present them
to an audience through this player.
The JPEG format is a convienient method to store images in a small amount of
memory space, and is ideal forarchiving information.
This unit employs a screen savermode to helpprotect the tubeduring static video pictures. Thiscan
be turned offon the GENERALSETUP PAGE.