Remote Software
Setup Overview
The Setup options allow the user to optimize the DVR by adjusting things like
camera names, alarm setup, recording schedules and more. It is extremely
important that the DVR is set up correctly for several reasons.
Increase the amount of pertinent recorded video that is saved
on the DVR by optimizing the recording schedule.
Name each camera so the location can be easily identified
and include any other pertinent information that may be
helpful when viewing it on the Video Display Area.
Event Input Optimize the type or recording by configuring the system to
begin recording or trigger an alarm when a motion or sensor
event occurs.
Setup Screen Overview
This is an expandable list with multiple levels. Click the + box next to HRDP
Performance Series Setup to expand the menu tree and access the Camera,
Record, Sensor Setup and System Setup details. Many of the setup options are
the same in the remote software and in the DVR system. Click Apply after
changing any settings.
Camera Setup
Camera Setup
The Camera Setup display allows the user to define camera names, power on
and off cameras and define specific cameras as hidden.
Title - Enter camera name - up to seven characters.
Enable - ON/OFF [Enable individual cameras.]
Hidden –On/Off - On will hide the camera from logged out users.
PanTilt Setup
The PanTilt (PTZ) Setup display allows the user to define the appropriate
protocol for connected cameras with PTZ capabilities. Since setup varies
between different PTZ cameras, refer to the instructions supplied by the
camera’s manufacturer to complete setup.
ID – 1 ~ 255 [Set the PTZ ID]
PROTOCOL –Select a PTZ protocol