The Retrieve File Override Information (QDMRTVFO) API retrieves the name of the
file that will be referenced after file overrides have been applied to the file specified.
A user program can retrieve the actual name of the file that will be used when the
specified file is referenced.
SQL-related APIs process SQL extended dynamic statements in an SQL package
object and call the DB2 SQL for OS/400 parser to check the syntax of an SQL
Hardware Resource APIs
The hardware resource APIs allow you to work with hardware resources. A hard-
ware resource is an addressable piece of hardware on the system. A hardware
resource is known to the system by its resource name.A resource entry is the
reference to the hardware resource in the hardware resource information, which
can be thought of as a list of the hardware resources on the system.
The hardware resource APIs offer a more convenient means of accessing hardware
resource information than its output file alternative. The output file may contain a
great amount of information that is not needed by your application. The APIs,
however, are a means of getting specific bits of information. For example, assume
an application handles licensing of AS/400 information, and the application needs to
know the type number of the system processor card. This type number represents
the feature code of the system. To get this information previously, the application
created an output file through a CL program, read each record of the file until it
found the system processor card record, and then read the type field of this record.
With the APIs, the type field can be returned directly.
Hierarchical File System (HFS) APIs
The HFS APIs provide applications with a single, consistent interface to the file
systems registered with the hierarchical file system on your AS/400 system. The
APIs automatically support the document library services (QDLS) file system and
the optical file system (QOPT), and they can support user-written file systems also.
The HFS APIs allow you to work with nonrelational data stored in objects, such as
directories and files in existing file systems. Using these APIs, you can perform
such tasks as creating and deleting directories and files, reading from and writing to
files, and changing the directory entry attributes of files and directories.
High-Level Language APIs
The high-level language part consists of the Application Development Manager
APIs and the COBOL APIs.
Application Development Manager APIs
The Application Development Manager APIs allow a control language (CL)
command such as the Build Part (BLDPART) command to determine, for example,
the includes and external references that were used by certain processors (com-
pilers or preprocessors) when processing a source member.
In terms of Application Development Manager, a part can be either a source
member or an object, such as a file.
If you have an application that can use the information provided by the APIs, you
can call these APIs from any high-level programming language. The Application
8-6 System API Programming V4R1