QUSDRGPT (Deregister Exit Point) API
OPM COBOL example B-85
OPM RPG example B-90
qusec.h header file
error code structure 4-2
QUSLMBR (List Database File Members) API
example 2-22
QUSLOBJ (List Objects) API 8-14
QUSPTRUS (Retrieve Pointer to User Space) API
example B-66
ILE C example B-94
ILE COBOL example B-101
ILE RPG example B-106
OPM COBOL example B-61, B-101
OPM RPG example 5-4, B-71
QusRegisterExitPoint (Register Exit Point) API
ILE C example 4-9
ILE COBOL example B-50
ILE RPG example B-58
QusRemoveExitProgram (Remove Exit Program) API
example 4-19
ILE COBOL example B-87
ILE RPG example B-92
QusRetrieveExitInformation (Retrieve Exit Informa-
tion) API
ILE C example 4-13
ILE COBOL example B-66
ILE RPG example B-75
qusrgfa1.h header file 4-4
QUSRGPT (Register Exit Point) API
OPM COBOL example B-47
OPM RPG example B-54
QUSRMVEP (Remove Exit Program) API
OPM COBOL example B-85
OPM RPG example B-90
QUSROBJD (Retrieve Object Description) API 8-15
ILE C example B-94
ILE COBOL example B-101
ILE RPG example B-106
OPM COBOL example B-101
OPM RPG example 5-4
QUSRTOOL library 2-30
QUSRTVEI (Retrieve Exit Information) API
OPM COBOL example B-61
OPM RPG example B-71
QUSRTVUS (Retrieve User Space) API 2-13
used with pointer data 2-16
used without pointer data 2-17
QWCCVTDT (Convert Date and Time Format)
API 8-29
QWDRJOBD (Retrieve Job Description Information)
API—example 3-29
QWPZHPTR (Host Print Transform) API
use of 8-17
use of 8-17
use of 8-2
QzcaAddClient (Add Client) API
use of 8-2
QzcaGetClientHandle (Get Client Handle) API
use of 8-2
QZCAREFC (Refresh Client) API
use of 8-2
QzcaRefreshClientInfo (Refresh Client) API
use of 8-2
QzcaRemoveClient (Remove Client) API
use of 8-2
QZCARMVC (Remove Client) API
use of 8-2
QzcaUpdateClientInfo (Update Client Information)
use of 8-2
QZCAUPDC (Update Client Information) API
use of 8-2
use of 8-24
receiver variable
See also
user space
bytes available field 2-23
bytes returned field 2-23
continuation handle 2-25
defining 9-10
description 2-23, 3-3
repeating entry type with fixed-length fields
example 4-7
repeating entry type with variable-length fields
example using offsets 4-8
retrieve API 2-23
list API
recovery considerations
error handling
Refresh Client (QZCAREFC, QzcaRefreshClientInfo)
use of 8-2
Register Exit Point (QusRegisterExitPoint) API
ILE C example 4-9
ILE COBOL example B-50
ILE RPG example B-58
Register Exit Point (QUSRGPT) API
OPM COBOL example B-47
OPM RPG example B-54
registered filter APIs
use of 8-11
exit point
ILE C example 4-9
ILE COBOL example B-50
ILE RPG example B-58
X-24 System API Programming V4R1