tasks using APIs
packaging your own software products
retrieving file description to user space A-11
ILE COBOL example B-152
ILE RPG example B-155
OPM COBOL example B-152
using data queues versus user queues A-15
working with data queues
ILE COBOL example B-165
ILE RPG example B-172
OPM COBOL example B-165
OPM RPG example B-169
Tutorial System Support course 8-29
definition 8-28
API description 3-2
authorities and locks 3-2
error messages 3-5
field descriptions 3-5
format 3-5
optional parameter group 3-5
parameters 3-2
required parameter group 3-3
MI MICRTPG2 program 7-18
MICRTPG program 7-16
UNIX-type APIs
environment variable APIs
use of 8-21
examples B-175
ILE C B-175
integrated file system APIs
use of 8-22
interprocess communications APIs
use of 8-22
process-related APIs
use of 8-27
signal APIs
use of 8-23
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) APIs
SNMP manager APIs 8-25
SNMP subagent APIs 8-25
use of 8-25
sockets APIs
use of 8-26
use of 8-21
UNIX-type environment
APIs for 2-6
UNLOCK (Unlock Object) MI instruction 2-16
Unlock Object (UNLOCK) MI instruction 2-16
Unlock Space Location (UNLOCKSL) MI
instruction 2-16
UNLOCKSL (Unlock Space Location) MI
instruction 2-16
Update Client Information (QZCAUPDC,
QzcaUpdateClientInfo) API
use of 8-2
User Application Administration exit program 8-16
user domain
object types 2-26
user index
definition 8-13
error recovery 2-30
saving and restoring 8-14
user index APIs
use of 8-13
user index considerations 2-30
user interface APIs
use of 8-27
user interface manager APIs
DDS advantages over UIM 8-28
UIM advantages over DDS 8-27
use of 8-27
user queue
definition 8-13
ILE C example A-15
saving and restoring 8-13
user queue APIs
use of 8-13
user space
See also
receiver variable
example 2-17
concept 2-13
continuation handle 2-25
definition 2-16, 8-14
format 2-14
ILE C example A-11
list API 2-13
manipulating with pointers 2-16
manipulating without pointers 2-17
pointer 2-16, 8-14
retrieve API 2-25
retrieving file description to
ILE COBOL example B-152
ILE RPG example B-155
OPM COBOL example B-152
saving and restoring 8-14
size 8-14
usage information 2-16
user space APIs
Change User Space (QUSCHGUS)
effect on user space 2-17
example 2-20, 2-21
X-28 System API Programming V4R1