mail server framework
SNADS File Server APIs
use of 8-16
See also
error handling
See also
user queue
CPF3CF1 4-5
CPF9872 4-5
for error diagnosis and recovery 2-10
message data
displaying for exception
example 4-6
message handling
message key 2-12
message handling APIs
Open List of Job Log Messages (QGYOLJBL) API
use of 8-29
Open List of Messages (QGYOLMSG) API
use of 8-29
use of 8-8
message key 2-12
message queue
definition 8-22
MI (machine interface) instruction
introduction 7-1
Lock Object (LOCK) 2-16
Lock Space Location (LOCKSL) 2-16
Unlock Object (UNLOCK) 2-16
Unlock Space Location (UNLOCKSL) 2-16
MI (machine interface) instruction program
data type use 2-3, 2-4
beginning instruction stream 7-22
calling CL05 program 7-18
common programming techniques 7-32
compiling program 7-4
creating MI version of CLCRTPG program 7-11
creating MICRTPG program 7-18
creating MICRTPG2 program 7-27
creating program 7-5, 7-6
debugging program 7-7
declaring pointers 7-17
declaring structure for MICRTPG program 7-16
defining external call 7-17
enhanced version of MICRTPG program 7-18
handling exceptions 7-9
MICRTPG program 7-16
MICRTPG2 complete program 7-23
MICRTPG2 complete program (enhanced) 7-28
program storage 7-36
setting breakpoints 7-7
setting declare statements 7-2
setting entry point 7-2
starting instruction stream 7-3
miscellaneous APIs
Convert Date and Time Format (QWCCVTDT) API
use of 8-29
process open list APIs
Close List (QGYCLST) API 8-30
Find Entry Number in List (QGYFNDE) API 8-30
Find Entry Number in Message List
Find Field Numbers in List (QGYFNDF)
API 8-30
Get List Entry (QGYGTLE) API 8-29
use of 8-29
Remove All Bookmarks from a Course
use of 8-29
Retrieve Data (QPARTVDA) API
use of 8-29
Start Pass-Through (QPASTRPT) API
use of 8-29
use of 8-29
through returned information 2-23
use of 8-23
multiple entries
processing list of
logic flow 2-15
locating API 3-1
national language data conversion APIs
use of 8-9
national language support (NLS) APIs
Character Data Representation Architecture (CDRA)
use of 8-9
national language data conversion APIs
use of 8-9
use of 8-9
NetWare authentication entry APIs
use of 8-20
NetWare connection APIs
use of 8-20
network management
Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking (APPN) topology
information APIs
use of 8-9
alert APIs
use of 8-10
change request management APIs
use of 8-11
node list APIs
use of 8-11
Index X-17