1. Materials/preparation and company designation
Data on the product (trade name): Sikafl ex
Data on manufacturer/suppliers
Manufacturer/suppliers: Sika Deutschland GmbH
Street/postcode: Kornwestheimer Str. 103-107
Postcode and town: Stuttgart
Country: Germany
Tel: +49 711 80090 Fax: +49 711 8009321
General information: Product safety
Emergency information hotline: +49 173 6774799 only outside offi ce hours
2. Composition/data on components
Chemical characterisation: Filled reactive PUR polymer
Hazardous contents (designation to 67/548/EEC)
CAS-No. Concentration Danger symbols R phrases EC no.
Naphtha (crude oil), hydro-desulphurised heavy
64742-82-1 1 - 2.5 % Xn,N 10,65,51/53,66,67 265-185-4
4,4‘ methylene-diphenyl-diisocyanate
101-68-8 0.1 - 1 % Xn 20,36/37/38,42/43 202-966-0
1330-20-7 1 - 2.5 % Xn 10,20/21,38 215-535-7
3. Potential hazards
Hazard designation:
Xn Hazardous to health
Special hazard instructions for human beings and the environment
42 Sensitisation possible by breathing in.
4. First Aid measures
General instructions
In all cases show the doctor the safety data sheet.
After breathing in
In the event of trouble consult a doctor.
After contact with the skin
After contact, wash the skin with soap and water.
In the event of continuing skin irritation consult a doctor.
After contact with the eyes
In case of contact with the eyes, wash with copious water for 15 minutes.
Summon a doctor immediately.
After swallowing
Do not induce vomiting. Summon a doctor immediately.