SAT measurement
Command Byte Menu
MSK 25 can send commands under DiSEqC™ 1.0 but cannot receive
them. All the commands requiring DiSEqC™ 2.0 (sending and receiving)
are underlined grey in the table below.
Commands in bold are particularly preferred for KATHREIN switching
Hex Byte Command Description Numbe
r of
00 Reset Reset DiSEqC™ Microcontroller
01 Clr Reset Delete reset flag -
02 Stand-by Switching off peripheral power supply unit -
03 Power on Switching on peripheral power supply unit -
04 Set Contend Adjustment of contention flag -
05 Contend Feedback only if contention flag has been set -
06 Clr Contend Delete contention flag -
07 Adresse Feedback only if contention flag has not been set -
08 Move C Change address when contention flag has been set 1
09 Move Change address when contention flag has not been set 1
10 Status Read status register flags -
11 Config Read configuration flags -
14 Switch 0 Read switching status flags (Committed Port) -
15 Switch 1 Read switching state flags (Uncommitted Port) -
16 Switch 2 Expansion option -
17 Switch 3 Expansion option -
20 Set LO Calling up of low local oscillator frequency
21 Set VR Calling up the vertical polarisation or clockwise circular
22 Set Pos A Select satellite position A -
23 Set S0A Select switchoption A -
24 Set Hi Calling up of high local oscillator frequency -
25 Set HL Calling up of horizontal polarisation or counter-clockwise
circular polarisation
26 Set Pos B Select Satellitenposition B -
27 Set S0B Select switchoption B -
28 Set S1A Calling up of matrix S1 input A (input B inactive) -
29 Set S2A Calling up of matrix S2 input A (input B inactive) -
2A Set S3A Calling up of matrix S3 input A (input B inactive) -
2B Set S4A Calling up of matrix S4 input A (input B inactive) -
2C Set S1B Calling up of matrix S1 input B (input A inactive) -
2D Set S2B Calling up of matrix S2 input B (input A inactive) -
2E Set S3B Calling up of matrix S3 input B (input A inactive) -
2F Set S4B Calling up of matrix S4 input B (Eingang A inactive) -
30 Sleep All bus commands ignored, except „Awake“ -
31 Awake Bus commands again accepted -
38 Write N0 Setting Port Group 0 1
39 Write N1 Setting Port Group 1 1
3A Write N2 Expansion option 1
3B Write N3 Expansion option 1
40 Read A0 Read analogue value A0 -
41 Read A1 Read analogue value A1 -
48 Write A0 Set analogue value A0 1
49 Write A1 Set analogue value A1 1