Selecting the source of the PIP image
The Mitsubishi TV you have purchased has two-tuner PIP. If you
have only an Ant-A input connected, you can view one program on
the main picture and another channel from the same ANT input on
the PIP display without the use of a second external tuner, such as
a VCR.
©_ ®
0 Turn the PIP image on by
pressing the :PIP button.
To select the PIP input, press
the PIP INPUT button. Each
time you press the button, the
PIP input will select the next
input from the inputs available:
INPUT 3. Bach time you select
a different input, an on-screen
display wi£ appear for about
five seconds. The screen will
display the name of the input
Ant A 023
PIP A023
Input Adjust
You can also select the PIP
input source by first selecting
the source in the main pic!:ure
and then pressing the EXCH
button. Pressing this button
with the PIP displayed ex-
changes the PIP picture for the
main picture.
ANT-B cannot be selected with the PIP Input kutton. If you have a
picture displayed from ANT-B on the main picture (with the PIP
also displayed), the EXCH button will not exchange the main
picture for the PIP picture.
92 Chapter 4: Using the Special Features