Manual Archive Options:
10.5 Tape Catch-up Feature
The maximum time that an archive device can be off-line is based on all cameras continuously recording real time
video, at the highest quality. As long as the archive device is back on-line, receiving accumulated archive data before
the hard drive reaches capacity, no archive data is lost. This can be accomplished because the Hi-Q identifies or tags
video to be archived. When successfully archived, the tag is removed.
10.6 Tape Archiving FAQ & Hints
• Can I search and read tapes produced from another Hi-Q?
• Can I perform a Manual archive when in Continuous or Event Only Archive Mode?
No. You must first change Archive Mode to Manual Only via the <Data Storage><<Hard Disk>>
<<<Archive>>> menu, then follow the instructions for manual archive.
• Why can’t I write to a tape?
Ensure the tape is not write-protected.
• Can a tape be relabeled?
Before a tape is overwritten, there’s a prompt to accept the existing tape label or create a new one.
• How much video can be retrieved from tape at a time?
When retrieving video from an archive tape, 6 minutes of video is restored to the hard drive (1 minute prior
to the specified start time and 5 minutes after).
• Why are there variances in the length of time it takes to search a tape?
Search time is dependent upon the type of archiving. Event Only archive tapes typically take longer.
• How can a tape be protected so that it is not mistakenly overwritten?
Depress the tape’s write protect tab.
• Why won’t the tape eject?
If the tape drive is busy or reading/writing data, the eject button is disabled. Either wait for the tape drive to
complete its task or use the Hi-Q’s menu option, Eject (see Section 10.2.1).
• What happens if a Manual Archive request consists of more data that the tape has remaining?
The tape fills with data, then prompts for a new tape. The remainder of the data is transferred to the
second tape.
• Does the Hi-Q continue to record and tag video for archival during a tape search?
• Will data get lost if the tape drive has been off-line for a period of time?
The Tape Catch-up feature usually prevents archive data from being lost. If the tape device is off-line for an
extended period of time, data loss could occur.
• When can I append to a tape?
The type of archive data appending to the tape must be the same as when the tape was initialized
(formatted). For example, a formatted tape containing manual archive data can only be appended with
manal archive data.
Channels - • [each channel: Enabled] [All enabled]
1–4 individually • [each channel: Disabled]
Data from [all dates] Start date of clip
Time from [all dates] Start date of clip
Date to [all dates] End date of clip
Time to [all dates] End date of clip
Mode • Append Append
• Overwrite