No video on one or more Verify proper 1 Volt p-p video Correct any coax, power or
cameras on MON A level input on affected channel(s) camera problems.
and make sure no ground loops exist.
Black screen on MON B output Same as above. Clear the alarm and check the
other channels.
No audio on playback Verify channel 1 video and audio Make programming
are enabled in the menus. Audio changes for video and audio.
can only be heard if full screen
playback is viewed on the monitor
for camera #1.
Temperature Alarm flashes Ensure the environmental temperature Move the unit to a
on-screen every 30 minutes is within the maximum and minimum temperature-controlled area
limits. within the maximum and
minimum limits.
Can’t access the menu Incorrect or lost password. Contact Bosch Security Systems
Technical Support for password
reset instructions.
Hi-Q Management Utility Wrong network connection. Program proper IP address
can’t access Hi-Q into the Hi-Q.
Cannot view Quad screen Ensure MON A LED is lit. Press Monitor, ensure the A
on MON A LED is lit, then press Quad.
Hi-Q Recorder Splash screen Verify input AC voltage is within If necessary to maintain a
periodically flashes on MON A the maximum and minimum limits constant AC input voltage,
and is constant. install UPS system.
Scheduled recording did not happen Calendar is disabled. Enable calendar via menu. If
already enabled, verify the
current profile settings.
Hi-Q does not detect disk array as Ensure the initial power up procedure Follow initial power up
archive device was followed (See Section 10.2) procedure. If followed, verify
SCSI cable is connected securely
Ensure proper communication between to the proper host port of the
the two devices via the Hi-Q disk array.
<Data Storage> <<Archive>>; the
screen should show the disk array
archive device type.