Philips DVDR980 DVD Player User Manual

PAL See TV system.
PBC Playback Control. A special feature on a VCD 2.0 or Super VCD disc
that enables interactive use.
PCM Pulse Code Modulation. A digital audio encoding system.
PDC Program Delivery Control
RGB Red-Green-Blue. A top-quality video connection where red, green and
blue components of a video signal are carried through separate wires.
SCART cable Also known as Euro-AV cable. This standard cable is an easy way to
connect various AV devices and televisions. In addition to audio and
video it can carry control signals.
SECAM See TV system.
A system by which you can easily program a timer recording by entering
a nine-digit S
HOWVIEW number found next to the programme
description in most TV guides.
S-video Sometimes also called S-VHS or Super-VHS. A high-quality video
connection standard.
SVCD Super Video Compact Disc.
Title It is the name given to the unit of recording on the disc. A title,
typically, represents one recording.
TruSurround A system for simulating Multi-channel sound reproduction via a two-
channel set-up, by SRS Labs, Inc.
TV system There are various systems for transmitting television signals, for example
PAL, PAL-I, PAL-BG, SECAM, SECAM-DK, NTSC, etc. The TV system is
country dependant.
VCD Video Compact Disc
VCR Video Cassette Recorder
VPS Video Programming System