34 Chapter 3 Using TV Features
If you receive Canadian programs you can block Canadian English and French V-Chip by
ratings only. When you block a particular rating, you automatically block the higher rated pro-
grams as well. To block Canadian English and French program ratings:
1. Press MENU on the remote control (the TV's Main Menu appears).
2. Select
3. Select
4. Select
5. Highlight
or and press OK.
6. Press the down arrow button to scroll to the rating you want to change.
7. Press the OK button to change its status to block (all ratings above the one you selected
change to block).
You might notice an option in your Parental Control menu that wasn't there before. This is
because broadcasters have the capability to add a new rating system for TV programs.
ratings let you define additional parameters for parental controls. This option and its name are
dependent on the content acquired from the broadcaster.
Select this option to reset the downloadable V-Chip data.
The option lets you decide if programs that the V-Chip recognizes as
unrated or exempt can be viewed. Unrated TV programs may include news, sports, political,
religious, local and weather programs, emergency bulletins, public announcements, and pro-
grams without ratings. The Exempt option applies to both USA and Canadian unrated pro-
grams and Canadian programs rated E.
Press the down arrow button to highlight
. Then press OK to toggle between
and .
All unrated programs are available
All unrated programs are not available.
Turn this option on to block the channel you see in the option.
Use the left/right arrow buttons to find the channel you want to block, then press the down
arrow button to select
. Press OK to place a check mark in the
box to block the channel. When you tune to that channel you'll need to enter a password to
view the channel if parental control is locked.
Select this option to block (disable) or unblock (enable) the TV’s side panel buttons so that they
can't be used by someone, like a young child. The remote still tunes to any channel. If you're
using this to keep children from changing channels, remove access to any remote that is
capable of operating the television while you have the side panel blocked. Don’t forget to lock
parental controls after you change the status. If you don’t, the
action will not take
English Ratings
Go Back
Press OK to view/block.
Parental Control
Go Back
<OK>: Select
Lock Parental Control
Select Channel 51 MTV
Block Channel
Button Block
V-Chip ...
Change Password ...