To connect your camcorder to a TV without audio and video inputs, you need an optional CRF800 RF output
adapter and coaxial RF cable as shown.
Output Jacks
(Located behind door)
Optional Coaxial
RF Cable*
(such as AH065G _
or AH066G)
75-7 '_x300 _--_ Back ofrl'V
Ohm Transformer* '_'_
(such as AH011) "_\ "
Back of TV
VHF Antenna
(_ Optional CRF800
J RF Output Adapter*
VHF Antenna
Optional 300-75
Ohm Transformer*
(such as 193983)
(_ Disconnect the VHF antenna from your TV.
Connect the antenna to the VHF IN connector on
the optional CRF800 RF output adapter if you
leave the adapter connected to the TV.
Note: If your VHF antenna is the fiat twin-lead type
attached by two screws, you will need an optional
300-75 ohm transformer, such as 193983.
Attach one end of the coaxial RF cable to the
VHF OUT connector on the RF output adapter
and the other end to the VHF input on your TV.
Note: If your TV has screw terminals, you may need
an optional 75-300 ohm transformer, such as AH011.
Attach output adapter's plug to
the RF the
output jacks located behind the door on the side
of the camcorder.
*Optional accessories are available from your dealer or elecmmics supply store. Mail order form is on page 5.