Remote control Device
● MENU for the use of Samsung system keyboard
Remote Control Device
ID Baudrate
Device Samsung System Keybord
Parity Date Stop Duplex
03 4800 None 8 1 Half Duplex
● Device
A Remote Control Device, being connected to the RS485 port.
● ID
This is a private ID of SHR-2040/2041/2042.
This private ID is essential for SSC-2000 because SSC-2000 can control many
SHR-2040/2041/2042 DVRs.
● Baudrate
Baudrate to communicate with SSC-2000
It should be same to SSC-2000 Baudrate for communication.
● Parity
Sets up one of None / Even / Odd.
● Data
Sets up either 7 or 8.
● Stop
Sets up either 1 or 2.
● Duplex
Sets up either Half Duplex or Full Duplex.
[Disk Overwrite]
In the overwrite Mode, the previous Event data is deleted and the mode is changed.
If you select Remote Control Device, you cannot control the PTZ device with
SHR-2040/2041/2042. The PTZ button in the front of SHR-2040/2041/2042 becomes
inactivated. Press the PTZ button and the PTZ ban icon( ) will appear. It’s because the
RS-485 port setup was done for Remote Control Device.
SHR-2040/2041/2042-ENG-1 2005.6.29 4:58 PM Page 5-10