Samsung TX-R2764 CRT Television User Manual

Chapter 8: Operation (Cont.} ............ 84
]-)ic tuu_c Control .......................................... 34
Using Auttonmd(" Pi('tutrc Settings..................... 34
Cu[stomizing the Pk't uu'c............................ 35
Socmd Conu_ol .......................................... 35
Adju[stmg the \'ohmm .............................. 36
Using the Mu@" Button ............................. 36
Using Autonmti(" Sound Settings ...................... 37
(k[stomizing the Sou[nd ............................. 38
Viewing an External Signal Sou[R'c ........................... 39
Setting the Signal Sou[R'c ............................ 39
Assigning Names to External inpm mode ............... 40
Chapter 4: Speci8| Features ............. 41
Fine Turning Channds ..................................... 41
Changing theColorTone .................................. 42
Changing the Scrc{'n Size .................................. 43
Digital Noise R{'duwtion ................................... 44
Tilt ................................................... 45
Using the R.Su[rf Fcatu[m ................................... 46
Freezing the Pictulrc ...................................... 46
Choosing a Mudti-Channd Sound (MTS) track .................. 47
Auto _\bh:tnm ............................................ 48
Setting the SuuTound ...................................... 49
Setting the TLtrbo Soured ................................... 50
Setting the On/Off Tmmr ................................... 51
Setting the Sh'cp Tmmr .................................... 52
Setting the Prch'rrcd \bluLnm kcvd and Channd ................. 53
Viewing Closed Captions .................................. 54
Setting Th{'On/Off Melody ................................. 55
Using the \UChip ......................................... 56
How to Change You[r Passv¢ord ....................... 56
How to Enal)b/Disabh" the Rating Controls .............. 57
1 o )
Hov to Set up Resuqctk)hs Using the 'TV FaK'nta] (kddel[nes" 58
Ho;xtoS{:tup R{¢strictionsusing thv,i\1ovmRatings:G,PC,PC-13,R, NC-17,X. 59
hnpormnt Notes Abol[t Parental Locks ................ 60
How to Set up Restrictions Using the 'Canadian English"... 61
How to Set u[p Rcstrk'tions Using the %2anadmn French' . . . 62
How to R{'s{'ttim TVat_'l: tile \<C]'Iip Blocks ("Emcrgc,nc)' Escape') 6_
Custonizing Your Remote Control ........................... 64
Chapter 5: Troubleshooting ............. 66
Identif_'ing Problems ...................................... 66
ADDendi× ............................ 67
Cleaning and Maintaining Youtr TV ........................... 67
Using Youtr TV in Another (butntr) ........................... 67
Specifications ........................................... 67
English -4