If the TV seems to have a problem; [irst u7 this list of possible problems and solutions.
If none of these trottbleshootin£ tips appl}( then call }ottr nearest Samsttn£ authorized
service center.
identifying Ptobmems
Problem Possible Solution
Poor picture. Try another channel.
Adjust the antenna.
Check allwin" connections.
Poor sottnd qttalit): Try another channel.
Adjutst the antenna.
No picture or soured. Try another chanm'l.
Press the TV!VIDEO button.
Make sure the TV is plugged in.
Check the antenna connections.
Make sure the MUTE button is oil
No color wrong colors or tints.
Ph'turc rolls w'rticall)_
The TV operates erratically:
Youtrremote control does not
operate your TV
Make sure the program is broadcast in color.
A([jutst the pict utrc settings.
Adjutst th{' anu'nna.
Ch_'ck all wire connections.
If you arc utsfng a VCE check the tracking.
Unplug the TV for 30 seconds th_'n u7
opcrating it again.
Press the MODE button to putt youtr remote
control in the "TV' ruode.
Make sure the remote has batteries.
Check that the '+" and '-" ends of the barrettes
are inserted corn'ctly
Check that the barrettes are drained.
The TV won't turn on. Make st:wethe wall outtlet is working.
Make sun" the TV fs plugged in.
Make sure the remote has barrettes.
English - 66