Samsung TX-R2764 CRT Television User Manual

List of Features
_our TV is{Ic'_ig_icdwith thelau'stuwh_1o[og}_ThisTV isa high-pcrforma_ic_'u_litthat
includes the following special _catures:
Full Iqat Screetl
" Automatic timer to turt'_ the TV ot'_at'<J oft
, Adjustabh' pk'turc and sound settings that can be stor_'d in the' TV2_m_'mory
" Automatic channel tuning for up to 181 channels
A special filter to re&co or elimfnau" r_'ccption problems
" A built-in multi-channel sound (tccodcr [or stereo and bilingual listening
" Built-in dual channel spc_k<_s
, A special sh'vp timer
\%(2hip Rtnction
O_lce you h_we l:mpacked your T\_ check to make sure that you have all the parts sho_vrl
here. If any pi{'<'{"is missing or brok_'n call )our (t_,_dcr.
Remote Contro](,&%59-00322B)/ Owners hlstructi£)]ls/
,&Z_Batteries Sail"b GuideManua]
Rc_stmtX_lq Ca/d
English - 5