Pin No. Pin Name I/O Description
C27 CH1_P O TMDS data (positive) output to the HDMI ARC OUT connector
C29 CLK_P O TMDS clock signal (positive) output to the HDMI ARC OUT connector
C31 DACOUT5 O Not used
C33 DACOUT2 O Video signal (Y) output terminal
C35 MRESET_ O Reset signal output terminal for the front-end power
C37 ETCOL I Collision detect signal input from the ethernet interface
C39 ETRXD2 I Receive data input from the ethernet interface
C41 ETTXCLK I Transmit clock signal input from the ethernet interface
C43 ETTXD0 O Transmit data output to the ethernet interface
D2 FE_GIO11 - Not used
D4 FESFCK I Serial data transfer clock signal input terminal for the front-end serial fl ash
D6 VOUTD6 - Not used
D8 VOUTD0 - Not used
D10 VOUTD13 - Not used
D12 VIND1 O Serial data output to the digital audio interface receiver
D14 VIND13 - Not used
D16 VINCLK - Not used
D18 VIND17 - Not used
D20 AOSDATA5 O Digital audio data output terminal Not used
D22 AOMCLK O Master clock signal output to the audio section
D24 AVDD12_APLL - Power supply terminal (+1.2V)
D26 CH2_P O TMDS data (positive) output to the HDMI ARC OUT connector
D28 CH0_P O TMDS data (positive) output to the HDMI ARC OUT connector
D30 DACOUT6 O Video signal (CVBS) output terminal
D32 AVDD33_VDACBG - Power supply terminal (+3.3V)
D34 VSTB - Not used
D36 UATXD - Not used
D38 ETTXEN O Transmit enable signal output to the ethernet interface
D40 ETTXD1 O Transmit data output to the ethernet interface
D42 ETTXD2 O Transmit data output to the ethernet interface
E1 FE_SFDO O Serial data output terminal for the front-end serial fl ash
E3 FE_GIO2 - Not used
E5 FE_GIO9 O Clock signal output terminal for the SACD
E7 VOUTD2 - Not used
E9 VOUTCLK1 - Not used
E11 VOUTD16 - Not used
E13 VOUTD19 - Not used
E15 VIND2 I Serial data input from the digital audio interface receiver
E17 VINVSYNC - Not used
E19 VIND19 I Interrupt signal input from the digital audio interface receiver
E21 AOSDATA4 O Digital audio data output to the S-AIR section
E23 AOLRCK O L/R sampling clock signal output to the audio section
E25 AVDD33_XTAL - Power supply terminal (+3.3V)
E27 TP_PLLG - Not used
E29 EXT_RES - Not used
E31 AVDD33_VDACR - Power supply terminal (+3.3V)
E33 DACFS - Not used
E35 RESET_ I System reset signal input from the system controller
E37 ETTXER O Transmit error signal output to the ethernet interface
E39 ETTXD3 O Transmit data output to the ethernet interface
E41 HDMISD I/O Two-way data bus with the HDMI ARC OUT connector
E43 CEC - Not used
F2 FE_SFDI I Serial data input terminal for the front-end serial fl ash
F4 FE_SFHOLD# - Not used
F6 NS_CKIN33 I Clock signal input terminal for the SACD
F8 VOUTCLK2 - Not used
F10 VOUTHSYNC - Not used
F12 VOUTD17 - Not used
F14 VIND5 O Power on/off control signal output terminal for the USB section
F16 VIND3 O Chip enable signal output to the digital audio interface receiver