> Use the up/down arrow keys to mark the entry Lock.
> Confirm with the OK key.
The User List will be displayed.
> Use the arrow keys to mark the channel/station you wish to have locked.
> Confirm with the OK key.
The channel will be marked with a red cross in the list.
> You can repeat this process as often as required to lock all channels you wish to lock.
> Press the Menu key to return to normal operation.
> In order to activate the parental control function, you must still enter your personal
PIN in the following point Change PIN, and then activate the parental lock as
described in Point 5.2 (Basic Settings)
7.4 Change PIN
The PIN is set at the factory to 0000. In order to activate the programme locking function,
you must still enter your own personal PIN in the place of the factory default setting.
Please Note! Be sure not to forget your PIN number. If you do ever forget
it, please contact your retailer!
In order to change the PIN number, follow this procedure:
> Press the Menu key to display the Main Menu.
> Use the up/down arrow keys to mark the entry Settings.
> Confirm with the OK key.
The sub-menu Settings will be displayed.
> Use the up/down arrow keys to mark the entry Change PIN.
> Confirm with the OK key.
> Now enter the PIN of your choice by means of the numeric key pad - you may
choose any 4-digit number you like.
> Repeat the entry.
> Press the OK key to return to the Settings menu.
7.5 Programmierung des elektronischen Programmführers
7.5 Programming the Electronic Programme Guide
In this chapter we describe how you can add programmes/channels to the Electronic Pro-
gramme Guide, or delete them. You thus have the facility to customise the Electronic Pro-
gramme Guide according to your personal preferences, giving you a better view of the pro-
grammes available.
PPlleeaassee NNoottee::
The more channels and programmes are added to the Electronic Programme Guide, the lon-
ger will it take to acquire/update data.
Also, the maximum preview period of 7 days may not be possible if the number of program-
mes stored in the Electronic Programme Guide is increased.
Proceed as follows in order to programme the EPG:
> Press the Menu key to display the Main Menu.
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