2 Introduction
• Can store up to 5000 television and radio services.
• Has anelectronicprogramguide thatprovides anoverview
of program schedules for next few hours.
• You can edit the service list.
• You canmake a favorite list with your favorite channels.
• Youcan view theinformation of thecurrent televisionor
radio program.
• You can update the firmware of the digital receiver to
the latest version, which will be provided by the manu-
1.2 Controlling the digital receiver
The digital receiver can be operated with the remote control
and the buttons on the front panel.
When the digital receiver is off but plugged to a wall outlet,
we say that it is in standby mode; on the other hand, when
it is on, it is in operation mode. You should keep the digital
receiver plugged to a wall outlet on standby mode so as it can
run timer events at any time.
1.2.1 The front panel
The front panel of the digital receiver has buttons to operate
the digital receiver, and specific lamps and a display to indi-
cate its status. Their usage is as follows: