Converting Wyse S Class to ThinOS 5
• Description - Enter what you want for your information. This information will help
you identify the characteristics of the device for which you are using this image.
IMPORTANT: Be sure to use only Alphanumeric characters (A through Z and 0
through 9), underscore (_), or spaces.
• Image File - Click Browse, navigate to the folder on your hard drive that contains
the 1S10.i2d file (this is the location you selected in "Step 2: Copy the Correct 1S10
Folder and 1S10.i2d File (on the CD-ROM) to Correct Locations"), click on the
1S10.i2d file to select it (you may need to select the All Files option from the Files of
Type box to display the 1S10.i2d file for selection), and then click Open.
CAUTION: Do not use the 1S10.i2d file directly from the Conversion Software
Assembly CD-ROM.
Figure 4 Browse to select 1S10.i2d file
5. After you have completed configuring the Add Image dialog box, click OK. After the
image file has been successfully added, the success message appears.
Figure 5 Image successfully added
6. Click OK. The firmware image now appears in the Wyse Simple Imager console and is
ready to be submitted.
7. Select the firmware you added in the Select Firmware list and click Submit. After the
image file has been successfully submitted, the Please start/restart the client to start
imaging message appears. CAUTION: Do not close the WSI console until after the
cloud client is successfully imaged with the new firmware.
Figure 6 Start/Restart the client to start imaging
8. Click OK.
9. After the Log window appears, start the cloud client. After the imaging process is
complete, the Log window will display the log messages and the final status. If the
imaging was successful, a Success message will be displayed. If it failed, it will display
an error message (see "Troubleshooting").