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Some quick and easy tips to resolving problems.
• Check the antenna connection or location.
• Check the cable input.
• Check to see if the TV/ VCR button on the VCR has the TV selected.
• Check the antenna direction and/or location.
• Check the cable input.
• Make sure the wire from the antenna to the TV is properly
The following may cause image problems or distortion:
Electrical appliances, powerful lights, cars, trucks; computers or
portable phones; medical equipment.
• If possible increase the distance between the TV and
the offending appliance. Or shut one of them off.
• Check volume levels.
• Make sure the TV sound is not Muted.
• Try another channel. The problem may be the broadcast, not the TV.
• Is TV SPKR selected on TV back connections panel?
• Is PILLOW SPKR selected on TV back connections panel but no
pillow speaker connected?
• Is the wire for the pillow speaker properly installed?
• Make sure output channels on all A/V equipment are on the same
channel (3 or 4).
• Check that all connections are tight.
• Is the AC power cord plugged in?
• Check that the AC power outlet works. (Test it by plugging in another
device or try another power outlet.)
• Make sure the brightness and sound controls are set properly.
• Try another channel. The problem may be with the broadcast.
• Is the program’s picture in black and white?
• Check the color control in the Video menu.
• Try another channel. The problem may be with the broadcast.
• The CC (closed caption) option may be in Text mode. Select Caption
1, or OFF in the Captions/Text menu.
• Make sure the batteries are fresh and installed properly.
• Try unplugging the TV power cord for a few minutes, then plugging it
back in.
• XDS data may be provided by the broadcasting station. Not all
programs will have this information.
Snowy picture and unclear sound.
Multiple images or ‘ghost shadows’.
Interference: Sharp lines across the
screen and lousy sound.
Normal picture but no sound.
No picture and unclear sound.
No picture and no sound.
No color, but the sound is O.K.
Picture has a big black box
On it, but the sound is O.K.
Remote control doesn’t work.
Menu options can’t be
Changed or selected.
No XDS Information.