NONSTRUCTURAL MASS: Specify mass contribution to the model from
nonstructural features.
This option is used to include the mass contribution from nonstructural features in the model. The
nonstructural mass can be applied over an element set that contains solid, shell, membrane, surface, beam,
or truss elements.
Products: ABAQUS/Standard ABAQUS/Explicit
Type: Model data
Level: Part, Part instance, Assembly
“Nonstructural mass defini tion,” Section 2.6.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User’s Manual
Required parameters:
Set this pa rameter equal to the name of the element set containing t he elements over which a given
nonstructural mass is to be distribu ted.
Set UNITS=TOTAL MASS to specify the nonstructural mass in the units of “mass.”
Set U NITS=MASS PER VOLUME to specify the nonstructural mass in the units of “mass per
unit volume.”
Set UNITS=MASS PER AREA to specify the nonstructural mass in the units of “mass per
unit area.” This value is valid only for an element set that contains conventional shells, membranes,
and/or surface elements.
Set UNITS=MASS PER LENGTH to specify the nonstructural mass in the units of “mass per
unit length.” This value is valid only for an element set that contains beam and/or truss elements.
Optional parameter:
This parameter is relevant only when UNITS=TOTAL MASS.
Set DISTRIBUTION=MASS PROPORTIONAL (default) to distribute the total nonstructural
mass among the members of the element set region in proportion to the elem ent structural mass.
The underlying structural density over the element set region is scaled uniformly; therefore, the
center of mass for the element set region is not altered.
ABAQUS Version 6.1 Module:
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