Optional parameters:
Set this parameter equal to an integer to define the offset for element numbering. When the
REVOLVE param eter is used, the offset is added to each element number on the previous
cross-section to obtain the numbering of the elements on the next cross-section, starting at the
reference cross-section,
. The reference cross-section uses the same numbering as the
original axisymmetric model. When the REFLECT parameter is used, the offset is added to the
original elem ent numbers to define the numbering on the reflected part. The default and minimum
value is the largest element number used in the origina l model.
Set this parameter equal to the nam e of an external file (without an extension) to which keyword
and data lines for the model definition will be written. The extension .axi will be added to the
file name provided by the user. See “Input syntax rules,” Section 1.2.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis
User’s Manual, for the syntax of such file names.
Set this parameter equal to an integer to define the offset used for node numbering. When the
REVOLVE parameter is used, the offset is added to each node num ber on the previous cross-section
to obtain thenum bering ofthe nodeson the next cross-section, starting at the referencecross-section,
. The refe rence cross-section uses the same numbering as the origi n al axisymmetric model.
When the REFLECT parameter is used, the offset is adde d to the original no de numbers to define
the numbering on the reflected part. The default and minimum value is the largest node number
used in the original model.
Set this parameter equal to the distance to be used in the search for duplicate nodes. Duplicate nodes
on the axis of revolution of a revolved m odel and on the connection plane between the two parts of
a reflected m odel will be eliminated. The default is 1.0% of the average element dimension.
Data lines if each generated sector in the periodic model has a constant angle
First line:
1. X-coordinate of point a.
2. Y-coordinate of point a.
3. Z-coordinate of point a.
4. X-coordinate of point b.
5. Y-coordinate of point b.
6. Z-coordinate of point b.
ABAQUS Version 6.1 Module:
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