TEMPERATURE: Specify temperature as a predefined field.
This option is used to specify temperature as a predefined field during an analysis.
To use this option in a restart analysis of ABAQ US/Standard, either
CONDITIONS, TYPE=TEMPERATURE must have been specified in the original analysis.
Products: ABAQUS/Standard ABAQUS/Explicit
Type: History data
Level: Step
“Predefined fields,” Section 27.6.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User’s Manual
“UTEMP,” Section 1.1.41 of the ABAQUS User Subroutines Reference Manual
Optional parameters for using the data line format:
Set this parameter equal to t he name of the amplitude curve that gives the time variation of the
temperature throughout the step (see “Amplitude curves, ” Secti on 27.1.2 of the AB AQUS Analysis
User’s Manual).
If this parameter is omitted in an ABAQUS/Standard analysis, the reference magnitude is
applied immediately at t he beginning of the step or linearly over the step, depen ding on the value
assigned to the AMPLITUDE parameter on the
STEP opt ion (see “Proced ures: overview,”
Section 6.1.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User’s Manual). If this parameter is omitted in an
ABAQUS/Explicit analysis, a linear interpolation is done over the step.
Set this parameter equal to the name of the alternate input file containing the data lines for this
option. See “Input syntax rules,” Section 1.2.1 of the ABAQ US Analysis User’s Manual, for the
syntax of such file names. If this parameter is omitt ed, it is assumed that the data follow the key word
Set OP=MOD (default) for existing
TEMPERATURE values to remain, with this option modifying
existing temperatures or defining additional temperatures.
Set OP=NE W if all existing
TEMPERATURE values should be rem oved. New temperatures
can be defined.
A temperature that is removed via OP=NEW is reset to the value given on the
CONDITIONS option or to zero if no initial temperature was defined. If temperatures are being
returned to their initial condition values, the AMPLITUDE parameter described above does not
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