
5. y-direction cosine defining the direction of the vector (the direction of travel for this wave
component). This component is not needed in two-dimensional cases.
Repeat this data line as often as necessary to define multiple wave trains; one line per wave component.
Data line to define gridded wave data (TYPE=GRIDDED):
First (and only) line:
1. x-coordinate of the or igin of the wave data grid.
2. y-coordinate of the origin of the wave data grid.
3. z-coordinate of the origin of the wave data grid.
4. Direction cosine between the local x-axis of the w ave data grid and the global x-axis. (Plus or
minus one for two-dimensional analysis.)
5. Direction cosine between the local x-axis of the wave data grid and the global y-axis. (Zero
for two-dimensional analysis.)
Data line to define frequency versus wave amplitude data for stochastic user wave theory
First line:
1. Frequency (in cycles per time, for stochastic analysis only).
2. Wave amplitude.
Repeat this data line as often as necessary to defi ne the wave spectr um. These data pairs are passed
into user subroutine UWAVE. They are not used otherwise by ABAQUS/Aqua.
ABAQUS Version 6.1 Module:
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