142 Avaya Business Advocate User Guide February 2006
ASAI See Adjunct/Switch Applications Interface (ASAI).
Auto-In (AI) An ACD work mode that makes the agent available to receive calls and
allows the agent to receive a new ACD call immediately after disconnecting
from the previous call.
Automatic Call
Distribution (ACD)
A switch feature. Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) is software that channels
high-volume incoming call traffic to agent groups (splits or skills). Also an
agent state where the agent is engaged in an ACD call (with the agent either
talking to the caller or the call waiting on hold). See also Redirect On No
Answer (RONA).
Automatic Number
Identification (ANI)
A general industry term referring to knowledge of the calling party number
Auto Reserve Agents A feature of Percent Allocation that provides the ability to leave an agent idle
even when one or more calls are in queue for one or more of the agent’s
assigned skills.
This decision is made using a comparison of the agent’s work time in the skill
and the agent’s target allocation for the skill.
Auxiliary work (AUX) An agent work mode. For example, the agent is engaged in non-ACD work,
is on break, in a meeting, or at lunch. An agent can reach this work mode by
pressing the AUX WORK button or dialing the proper access code from the
voice terminal.
Available (AVAIL) An agent state. The extension is able to accept an ACD call.
Available agent A logged-in agent in Auto-In (AI) or Manual-In (MI) with no ringing, active, or
held call appearances. See also Multiple Call Handling (MCH)
for alternative
definitions of an available agent.
Available work state An agent work state in which the agent is in either the AI or MI work mode
and is available to receive ACD calls. In general, agents in either the AI or MI
work mode are not available to receive calls if they are currently on a call or
have placed a call on hold.
Average agent service
The average time you are expecting or targeting for each agent to spend on
an ACD call, including talk time and after call work (ACW) time.