Database tables
Avaya Business Advocate User Guide February 2006
Current Wait Time
The time that a call has already waited for service in a call queue.
CWC See Call Work Code (CWC)
Daily Data Interval data that has been converted to a 1-day summary.
Data Collection Off In this state, CMS is not collecting ACD data. If you turn off data collection,
CMS will not void data on current call activity.
Data Collection On In this state, CMS is collecting ACD data.
Data Points Points of historical data. A data point should include data for each interval of
the working day.
Database A group of tables that store ACD data according to a specific time frame:
current and previous intrahour real-time data and intrahour, daily, weekly,
and monthly historical data.
Database item A name for a specific type of data that is stored in one of the CMS
A database item may store ACD identifiers (skill numbers or names, login
IDs, VDNs, and so on) or statistical data on ACD performance (number of
ACD calls, wait time for calls in queue, current states of individual agents,
and so on).
Database tables CMS uses these tables to collect, store, and retrieve ACD data. Standard
CMS items (database items) are names of columns in the CMS database