
Overview of Business Advocate
16 Avaya Business Advocate User Guide February 2006
Maintain percent in service level targets for skills by activating reserve agents earlier or later.
The Dynamic Threshhold Adjustment feature automatically adjusts the thresholds that
control the activation of reserve agents.
Establish allocation targets for how much time each agent should spend in each skill. Use the
Dynamic Percentage Adjustment option to automatically shift allocations as needed to meet
percent in service level targets as contact center conditions change.
Use the Auto Reserve Agents feature to intentionally leave an agent idle, even if a call is
waiting, if her time in that skill is over target. This allows you to make agent resources
available for other skills.
Eliminate “hot seats” and distribute calls more fairly across the agents in a center by using:
- The familiar Least Occupied Agent (LOA) method for call selection. This will make total
workloads as fair as possible.
- The familiar Reserve agents capability of Service Level Supervisor to move very busy
agents out of some skills full-time and into reserve capacity, generally reducing their work
- The enhanced Percent Allocation methods to give each agent a fair portion of each type
of skill, in cases where agent compensation or rewards are tied to contribution at the skill