Overview of Business Advocate
36 Avaya Business Advocate User Guide February 2006
Using Expert Agent Distribution-Least Occupied Agent (EAD-LOA), if the following three agents
are available to serve the arriving Sales skill call, which agent receives the next call?
Agent A receives the next arriving call from the Sales skill because Agent A is the highest level,
least occupied agent.
With the same agents available for the arriving Sales skill call, but with Uniform Call
Distribution-Least Occupied Agent (UCD-LOA) administered instead of EAD-LOA, which agent
receives the next call?
Agent C receives the next arriving call for the Sales skill. With UCD, skill levels are not
considered during agent selection, and Agent C has the lowest percentage of work time, that is,
time working in this skill divided by staffed time.
In the following example, the same three agents are available to serve the next arriving Sales
skill call, but Expert Agent Distribution-Most Idle Agent (EAD-MIA) is administered. Which agent
is selected for the call?
Agent Skill level Occupancy
A 1 90%
B 1 95%
C 2 64%
Agent Skill level Occupancy
A 1 90%
B 1 95%
C 2 64%
Agent Skill Level Time since last Sales call
A 1 5 seconds
B 1 10 seconds
C 2 30 seconds