Requirements for setting up Business Advocate
Avaya Business Advocate User Guide February 2006
Agent-level decisions
Agent-level decisions are those that are determined on the Agent LoginID form. These include
call handling preferences for an individual agent, the determination of whether Service
Objective is in use for the agent’s skills, and the administration of any reserve skills for the
This section includes the following topics:
● Call Handling Preference (call selection method) on page 89
● Service Objective on page 89
● Direct Agent Calls First on page 89
● Reserve Levels on page 90
● Percent Allocation on page 90
Call Handling Preference (call selection method)
Call Handling Preference: greatest-need, skill-level, or percent-allocation - The Call
Handling Preference: field is used to determine the call selection method that is used to
select a call during a call surplus condition. Options include greatest-need,
skill-level, or percent-allocation. Skill levels (1 to 16) or reserve levels (1 or 2) must
be entered for each of an agent’s assigned skills. If you select percent-allocation, you
must also enter a target allocation (as a percent) for each of the agent’s non-reserve skills.
Service Objective
Service Objective? y (yes) or n (no) - The Service Objective? field is used to activate
the Service Objective feature for an agent. This means that when the agent becomes available
in a call surplus situation, service objectives are part of the call selection process. This feature
works only with Greatest Need or Skill Level; it cannot be administered if the call handling
preference is Percent Allocation. You enter y to activate the feature. See Service Objective
page 86 for information about administering this feature at the skill level.
Direct Agent Calls First
Direct Agent Calls First? y (yes) or n (no) - The Direct Agent Calls First? field is
used to select calls from a Direct Agent skill first. When set to y, calls from a Direct Agent skill
are selected before calls from any other skills, including skills that are over threshold.